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Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Am I wasting my time?

Signs point to yes.

On the TF Games site, where there seems to always be a thread where people are complaining that there's not enough content, not enough free porn, too many unfinished games, and how content creators should work harder, make games bigger and better and more complete, I have posted 3 updates in 30 days.

Only five people said anything.

This is the same website, mind you, where posters are so adamant to receive new content that many propose (or support) the frequent suggestions that authors should hand over their creations to unnamed "others" so that beloved games could be completed or more content produced.

But I had comments only from five (5) people.

Okay, you might say, there probably is demand, just no demand for the things I like to make. And fair enough: I like the old-school command-line interface of Inform and the free-form nature of interactive fiction, compared to (say) the dreadful linearity of Twine; everything is clickable but nothing is interesting, and any link whatsoever can lead you down a one-way rabbit hole toward an ending — or, likely as not, the wet paint and exposed rebar of "this path hasn't been written yet."

If that's what people like, then that's what they like. But it does mean I'm wasting my time making what I like. I have tried to accommodate what other people might enjoy, but as it turns out, I should just make what I personally enjoy. And this whole business of compiling, uploading, updating, and promoting is a waste, too; it would be much easier if I just didn't post at all.

Am I wasting my time?

The Magic 8-ball says "yes, definitely."

Is it worth it? I have no idea, but right now, I'm not feeling it.


  1. There's definitely a market on 4chan for this. I know because I got the link to here, from there.

  2. I _usually_ only leave comments on TFGS if I find something wrong and I think I can help, or when I'm _COMPLETELY_AMAZED_ by something.

    I've downloaded (nearly) every released version of "Body Thief". I enjoy seeing the changes and the life-cycle as things are built and adjusted.

    I don't tend to just leave notes of "enjoyed the game!" and "keep it up!" because I figure the discussion threads don't usually need the flow thrown off by that kind of thing. But you make a good point. I'll keep that in mind as I play games on TFGS.

    You have 21 likes... and I cannot see how many downloads. If you can track the downloads, do the math.

    Approx 40% of people unhappy will complain (online) and only 5% will offer praise. (Quoting some study done a few years back... my numbers are approximated based on my memory... and subject to being far, far off.)

    If you have 21 likes, that's... 400+ people?

    And, if nothing else... I enjoy playing your game. I'm not the only one. I was chatting with a couple of others and we were talking about it.

    I also found a couple of things outside the main quest which were fun to discover.

    So, yeah... Your player-base is kinda like an iceberg... You only see the tip. Make a glaring goof and you'll see how much is hidden out of sight. ;-)

    1. Thanks for the reply. As of now, there are 929 downloads; the lion's share of hits on the blog are from TFGS, to the tune of about 7:1 (about 976 of 1177), so I'm guessing 771 of the downloads are from TFGS and the rest from elsewhere.

      Assuming only people from TFGS use the database for likes, that puts the response rate at 2.7%. The response rate in the game thread there would be off-the-charts low (5 of 771, or 0.65%).

      The complaint rate sounds about right, though. When I posted Mother Ocean I had innumerable responses from people explaining how the make-believe future world wouldn't use their make-believe super tech in the way I depicted, but very few comments on the game itself.

    2. Someone above mentioned 4chan... which I must admit was a surprise... but not too much, now that I think about it. ;-)

      I think I remember the discussion thread of Mother Ocean... Isn't that where someone proposed a sea of soda (pop)? That discussion went wild pretty quickly.

      The thing is that TFGS supports a wide and varied audience from around the world. Some come for the fap-tastic entertainment. Some come for a good story. Some come for a challenge. Some come for their niche fetish(es). Some come talk science (and other to debate). Some come to see REALLY indie 'indie games'. ...and some come because, you know, "free games".

      ...and probably more things than I can list.

      Obviously, you're not going to please everyone. I don't think it's possible.

      People are going to be people, right?

      By the by, are those 900+ DLs the current version only? Or do they include previous versions? (I'm curious, but the answer isn't really all that relevant.)

      If the complaint ratio is normal, then chances are good there are many others happily playing your work without feeling the need to voice an opinion.

      Some of the games I like the most had some pretty quiet threads. Others are filled with posts about elements I don't care about. *shrug*

      Don't let the silence get to you. There are those who appreciate your work. (*points at self*) ...and I don't post much. (~80 posts in five years of having an account, and a few years without an account.)

      There's one game dev on TFGS who shut his forums down because some vocal minority were nitpicking some art details. (They were pretty vocal and didn't cool off when he advised them to keep the critiques to themselves...) He still releases his games, just without forums.

      Sorry I went a little long!

      Make what you want to make and if people like it, great! Expect the contented people to be quiet. If some folks don't like it, then just be happy with those who do appreciate your work. (...you know, me.)

      Seriously... it would be a loss to the community if you stopped creating. You have good ideas and the discipline to make them happen.

      Just my opinion... just one voice in a sea of near-silence. (*points at the messages posted before mine*)

  3. Thanks again for your comments. The figure of 929 downloads was only for the latest version. I suppose in a way that makes the reply ratio worse, as 929 downloads only moved the needle a tiny fraction (1 like, 0 comments on the TFGS thread). I don't have anything to compare that 929 downloads to, because this time I spread the word far and wide about the update; since I don't normally do that, the numbers aren't comparable to previous download figures.

    I doubt I'll stop creating. I do sometimes wonder why I try to share things, though. The internet always wants content, but providing it is so rarely rewarding. I've been making TG stuff far longer than most people realize, as well — this isn't my first nick.

  4. I've followed your development for years and haven't commented, i think it's just the nature of the types of people who seek these games out, but you're releases and updates are far and away the most anticipated thing i'm looking for on tfgamessite. i hope you continue, everything you do, every ounce of labor and attention to detail puts you on a pedestal above not just the average designer, but 99% of them.

    i only now found this blog because of incessant googling of 'what's green up to?'. so your work is appreciated, but your audience is just mute. and for the record, if you had any sort of patreon or donation site, i'd be more than happy to contribute. you've earned it and deserve it

  5. As someone who's been on TFGS for quite a while myself, I understand the struggle. Personally, I've enjoyed your Body Swap game, but I haven't checked out many others. I tend to put most of my time into the RP threads section of the site, but I still enjoy checking out the games.

    I feel that a lot of people get frustrated when a game they really love comes along and then remains unfinished (Stranded, The Cloud, and Whoremaker come to mind as of this writing). We as fans of the game really do love the work you creators put into them, and many times we feel that there could be more.

    I personally do not enjoy reading or posting things such as "More Updates please." and I find all the ones who do to be noobies who are annoying, and I just flat out ignore them. Hope you can too.
